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Journey to Cloud Native







Background & Challenge

Allianz faced a number of challenges brought on by the evolution of the Insurance industry in Argentina. In response, Ingenia launched a program to identify, from an IT architecture perspective, how value streams were receiving support.

The focus was on achieving an evolution of systems and technologies that created more efficient ways to do business, supporting the development of the organizational strategy.


We created a proposal to evaluate the existing architecture and define an evolution plan to take it to a TO BE state based on Cloud Native best practices.



Time to Market


Knowledge cultivators


IT Strategy

Cloud-Native Architecture

Cloud Tuning

Containerizing the Business

The Ingenia Way

The process was executed in phases:


Diagnosis and Architecture TO BE.


Transformation Roadmap to a Cloud Native Architecture on a Digital Experience Platform with Microservices and Microfrontends via DevSecOps processes.


Partnered in the implementation, developing Cross Cutting concerns components on Kubernetes managed by AWS, Gitlab CI, React, Node.js and SpringBoot.

Allianz needed to migrate its strategy to the cloud, an enormous undertaking for an established company like ours. The insurance industry is very traditional, and any kind of innovation implies great risk. But we counted on Ingenia as our strategic partner. If there is anyone in the market that knows how to implement an Architectural vision to increase efficiency, it is them.

Juan Pablo Arroyo

CIO of Allianz Argentina

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