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Starting up a digital bank







Background & Challenge

Banco de Sol had the objective of achieving a new 100% digital experience and the possibility of offering a transactional banking core via APIs that could be integrated with third parties.


We created the Digital Architecture and Development team and selected its Core Banking in the cloud to enable an Agile at Scale work model which allows the existence of autonomous cells per financial product.

In the process, the contribution of the Ingenia approach was key, a qualified service in IT Architecture to establish guidelines and strategic vision in the integration of components that allow a correct evolution of the platform.



Time to Market


Product Thinking

Knowledge cultivators


DevSecOps Framework

Cloud-Native Architecture

Continuous Delivery

Developer Experience

Mesh Adoption

Security Model (IAM)

SRE Practices

Arch Attack

Code for it

SqaaS: Squad as a Service

The Ingenia Way


Definition of Digital Architecture, SRE/DevOps Operating Model, hiring and mentoring the Architecture Team, DevOps and SRE.


Setup Tooling Developer Experience and SRE

  • Design and Implementation of Kubernetes Clusters on AKS Azure and Istio Mesh.
  • Design and Impelementation of Cross Cutting concerns on Kubernetes / Itsio, SpringBoot (Microservicios) and Nest.js (BFF).
  • Design and Implementation of a CI/CD model for autonomous development teams via Azure Devops, Github and Slack Bots.


Participated in production rollout via Observability mechanisms and Day-2 Operation for the complete infrastructure, SLOs, Error Budgets and Incident Handling.

Knowing that we could count on the Ingenia team to tackle the technological challenges of launching a completely cloud-based bank, allowed us to focus on providing a better experience and accelerating time-to-market with a robust and reliable technological solution.

Alejandro Bellochio

Head of IT Strategy and Digital

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Starting up a digital bank

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