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Enterprise Architect

Role description

The role of Enterprise Architect is diverse, challenging, and dynamic. If you are looking to expand your experience and improve your profile, this search is for you. Whoever occupies this position will be leading organizational transformations based on technological disruptions, with a view to 3-year definitions and annual execution and concretion planning. Falling in love with the problem, understanding it and making it flesh, and then establishing the most suitable solution alternatives and their implementation process are the differential in this role, collaborating with Solution Architects and Technology Architects. In collaboration with development teams, they will implement scalable infrastructure and deployment best practices. As part of the Ingenia team, you will have the opportunity to work with the main software organizations, services and clients in multiple industries. Also, you will be responsible for software as a service (SaaS) applications and enterprise-wide applications associated with the collection, retrieval, accessibility, and use of data for planning and internal industry activities.

With understanding of :

  • TOGAF 9.2 (Desirable).
  • Modeling of ARCHIMATE or other ADL.
  • Adoption of IT governance practices.
  • Definition and identification of the experience in architectural implementation. -Reference in at least one industry or problem.
  • Minimum 5 years of solution software architecture.
  • Agile methodologies at scale (Spotify, Safe, Less).
  • Data governance.
  • Reference architectures.
  • Definition of solutions based on quality attributes and restrictions.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Facilitation.
  • IT government models.
  • Operational models.
  • Risk management, for example with COBIT.
  • Architecture principles and standards.

Other skills that interest us

  • - Development of business microservices.
  • - Machine learning.
  • - Work experience in companies of different sizes.
  • - Knowledge of API as a product and definition of API based on business model.
  • - Data Government.
  • - Design Thinking / Product Discovery / Lean Startup.

Want to challenge the future? Join Ingenia, be part of the change.